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Steno Machine F.A.Q

Acculaw Buys - Sells & Trades the following steno machines:

Stenogragh® Machines
Luminex CSE (Student)
The Diamante®
élan Mira® A3
élan Mira® G2
élan Mira®
élan Cybra® Pro
élan Cybra® Stu
Stentura Protégé®
Stentura® Fusion

Stentura® 8000LX
Stentura® 8000
Stentura® 6000LX
Stentura® 6000
Stentura® 500
Stentura® 400 SRT
Stentura® 400
Stentura® 200 SRT
Stentura® 200
Stenoram Ultra

ProCat Machines
ProCat Stylus
ProCat Flash


The Neutrino Group
Gemini Writer

What Steps are involved in buying a re-conditioned steno machine from Acculaw ?

Call our toll-free number 1-800-251-5529, and ask to speak with one of our Machine/CAT representatives. Let us know the software and computer you are currently using. If you do not know which system you have, or if you do not have a system, let us recommend the best court reporting equipment for your situation. We accept credit card, checks, COD, paypal.

What steps are involved in selling my pre-owned steno machine to Acculaw ?

Call our toll-free number 1-800-251-5529, to get the optimum price. As a second option, please give us email us a brief email with NO IMAGES only writer model and if anything is wrong with the writer. Depending on the steno machine you have, we will make you an offer to purchase that is good for 24 hours. Upon acceptance of our offer within that time frame, we will fax or e-mail a purchase agreement to you that will guarantee your payment. Simply sign it and fax or mail it back. Acculaw will pay immediately upon receipt.

Does Acculaw offer a warranty when I purchase a re-conditioned steno machine?

Yes we do. The warranty is a full one year warranty from Acculaw, Inc. See steno machine warranty terms.

My steno machine doesn't work, will you still purchase it?

Yes, will still purchase it.