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Stenograph Stentura Ink Ribbon Cartridge

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Stenograph Ink Ribbon Cartridge
Price: Please call to order. 1(800)251-5529

Stenograph Ink Ribbon Cartridge - Call to order: (954) 316-6697

Condition: New ink ribbon, New ink sponge, recycled plastic cartridge shell.

Works with:

  • All Stenograph Stentura Models
  • ProCat Flash Machines

Steno Cartridge Recycling Program

How does the recycling process work?

  1. Orders must be placed over the phone as we have limited amounts of ink cartridges at a time.
  2. Send your ink cartridge to us to reuse the plastic casing.
  3. Send payment in form of check or credit card information (no need to send CVV number).
Manufacturer: Stenograph
Manufacturer Part No: 28641